After 18 years, the Atlanta Hawks finally managed to win a 7-game series and advanced to the 2nd round where they will face what is most likely their demise in the form of LeBron James and the Cleveland Cavaliers. The Hawks prevailed in what was, to most accounts, one of the least interesting playoff series in recent memory, especially when compared to the Celt's-Bulls series, which was easily one of the best. As an attendee of Sunday's game 7, I was thrilled that the Hawks won, but found myself hoping towards the end that Dwayne Wade would get subbed back in and sink 3's a la Flea in a MTV Rock 'N' Jock Basketball game. Does anyone else remember the 5-point basket that would come down from the rafters and hang temptingly at 25 feet above the floor? In blowout playoff games, I feel like this could be a very intriguing addition that could renew the drama in lackluster series such as the Hawks-Heat, where 20+ point margins of victory were rampant. I did revel in the fact that Pachoulia got a larger standing-o than Joe Johnson, and that they portrayed Zaza in a video at the half as Rocky taking on Apollo Creed (Dwayne Wade), complete with training sequences of him sporting a hoodie, air boxing. Simply brilliant.
In other news, just outside the friendly confines of Phillips arena, a deadly menace lurked, as "Fiesta Atlanta" took over Centennial Olympic park.

yes! gutt said this was long. it's not that long. good read